When we talk about weight gain the first thing that comes to mind is eating habits. The calorie plays an important role because it is a source of energy. But this number of calories only comes from a healthy diet. So let’s read about 2500 calorie meal plans.
2500-calorie meal plan for Indian veg. Did you know that a very large population is overweight? they are suffering from many diseases like heart attack, asthma, etc. As a result, slowly and gradually 35% of these will suffer from cardiovascular diseases, 25% will have hypertension, etc.

2500 Calorie Diet plan Indian veg to gain weight in a healthy way
We always see lean people and make joke of them, how much ever they eat, they never gain weight. This problem arises because they never know how much or what they should eat so that they will gain weight. Here is a 2500 calorie meal plan from Indian veg, which provide support to you to gain weight as sooner than you thought.

It is true, that skinny people will face very much difficulty in gaining healthy weight. It is easy to eat junk food and get overweight. But we need to gain a healthy weight so that it will keep our body free from many diseases. To gain a healthy weight, one should adopt a healthy diet under the supervision of certified professionals.
A 2500 calorie diet is designed to help build lean muscle while burning excess body weight. The perfect diet with high-quality protein is very important for weight training to promote tissue repair and lean muscle growth. A 2500 calorie diet is very enough diet. Moderately active men aged between 25-40 years, often opt for this diet to maintain a healthy body weight.
The main goal of this diet is to enhance body composition and maintain a balance in calorie intake of the body. This 2500 calorie diet provides the necessary calories for proper functioning of the body.
VEG Meals which provides 2500-calorie
The simple source of breakfast, lunch, and dinner by which you can get 2500 calories.
1. Milk:
We must consume 1-2 glasses of milk every day. It will provide you with a good amount of proteins, carbs, and fats. It is a very rich source of proteins, calcium, vitamins, and minerals. Milk provides a very much more amount of casein and whey protein which is very good for muscle building. Milk is considered a balanced diet, which provides a maximum amount of necessary nutrients.
2. Cheese and Paneer:
Cheese and Paneer are also rich sources of protein, Calories, and fats.
You can consume it in any way like as vegetables, topping, or filling.
3. Dried fruits:
Dried fruits contain high calories, that can be used as a good snack. It contains many more amount of antioxidants, micronutrients, proteins, and healthy fats which are very good for our health.
You can use these dried fruits in shakes, smoothies or vegan Smoothi, and in some desserts or toppings for pancakes.
4. Multi Grain Bread:
Multi-grain bread is a good source of carbohydrates, which is a very good source for weight gain.
Multi-grain bread avoids unwanted fat deposits in our bodies. We suggest one must include Multi-Grain Bread in their diet with a rich amount of protein.
5. Exercise:
Eating a healthy diet is important for weight gain, but doing weight- training 2-3 times a week is also very important. Cardio is very important to improve your lung stamina and immunity. It will help to improve your overall health and avoid storing extra fat in your body. Weight lifting, jogging, cycling, and swimming is very important exercise that you must practice in your routine.
6. Potato:
You can consume potato which which is anormal vegetable and are available easily in affordable rate. People who want to gain weight should consume potato in their diet. But people who want to reduce weight should not consume potato because it contain very rich amount of carbohydrates and helps to gain weight. so, potato have nutrient value and are rich in starch, vitamin C. One medium sized potato contain around 150 calories.
7. Peanut Butter:
Peanut Butter contain very rich amount of protein and fat. It is very best source to increase weight. If you consume 1 spoon of Peanut Butter in regular day then it will provide you approx. 100 calories. It contain very large no of important nutrients. Peanut Butter contain unsaturated fat, which is very important to keep our heart healthy.
8.Fatty Fruits:
There are some fruits which come under the category of fatty fruits like bananas, mango, papaya and pineapple, which are very helpful to increase weight. These fruits contain natural sugar which is a very good source of energy. There is a fruit name Avocado fruit is a good option for people who want to increase their weight. You can include these healthy fruits in your regular diet as a salad, desserts, or smoothies.
In 2500 Diet it is important to plan your Meal plan.
It is very important to plan your meal in advance as it saves your meal from wasting and make a difference so that you will get all different type of essential nutrients daily.
It helps you to get a balanced diet. There are many advantages of meal planning, few are important of them are given below.
1. Time Conservation:
The main aim of meal planning is to save time. Planning beforehand avoids confusion that what to eat, When to eat, and how to eat. It avoids much more overspending because you have shopped before it avoids trip spending.
2. Reduction in food-wasting:
If you have planned before what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat, then you will cook that item which is necessary for caloric intake for your body.
If you have diet plan in advance that how much gram we need to intake then you will cook only that amount of food it will reduce food wastage and shaves your money.
(3) Provides Variety:
In your busy schedule, there is a much more chances for repetitive meal. However, with the help of meal planning you can avoid that risk.
Also, you can add different and interesting recipes so that you can maintain your caloric intake.
If you are vegetarian then this plan is for you and you can achieve this goal only by focusing on your daily routine, sleep timing, and diet with proper calorie intake.
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