一口吃不成胖子 (Yì kǒu chī bù chénɡ pànɡzi)
Rome was not build in a Day
You may be wondering why I have suddenly used this Chinese idiom and what its relation to the Fitness community workout. To make you understand the idea behind this idiom and how this has an impact on your daily life.
As you all know good things take time, effort, and consistency not just an action done once, the same applies to your body too. How? The basic idea people follow to keep themselves healthy is to daily workout and have a proper diet. But to be honest it’s not! To be fit physically as well as mentally you need to follow 4 action rules:
Fitness’s 4 Actions Rules:
Why does fitness include these four action rules? Only Diet and Exercise won’t keep you fit unless you sleep properly and also maintain your stress levels. If you don’t have proper sleep then you will be facing stress issues and due to all these your diet and exercise will also be affected.
Do you know working out with the fitness community greatly impacts our lives and helps us keep the balance of the 4 Actions Rule! Wondering how let’s continue our journey you can also check below workout for lose up to 5kg a month by on diet – Smoothie Diet
Why does Workout with Fitness Community encourage us?
People have mostly isolated themselves from the entire world and busy in their own lives. But have you ever thought about what their mental state would be, how they would be managing their lives, and whether would they be having the fun that we usually have with a group of people? Absolutely not! Instead of being isolated, if you start working out with your people and not only working out but any kind of work you will feel the difference in you and your quality of life.
Benefits of Community Workout:

- You are Never Alone in this:
- There are times when things don’t go according to us and we start losing hope.
- At those times our fitness community shows us that we are never alone in the challenge we are facing.
- They remind us that we have a supportive group of people, maybe they must have experienced the same journey as ours, and maybe they can guide us on the right pathway.
- Sometimes, it is hard to find where we belong, but working out with friends or groups promotes the feeling that “We’re all in this together“.
- Build Motivation:
- You can not find motivation on a regular occasion is tough, especially when we work out alone.
- It’s undeniable that some days will be harder than others, you cannot do anything about it.
- Has this ever occurred to you that you get dressed and plan to go for a run or head to the gym and on the way lose your drive and change your mind?
- But having a strong fitness community can always be your source of inspiration.
- Words of encouragement or cheers for you from them can take you on a long journey ahead.
- You will Build Strength in Numbers:
- It’s a fact that when you work out with others, it increases your time and energy spent exercising compared to those who work out alone.
- Watching your teammates can inspire you to work harder and keep going when you want to quit.
- Having a group in your fitness community can help you upgrade and take your fitness to the next level.

- Competition with Yourself and Others:
- We have always thought of being the best of the best, and always want to be on top of everyone.
- Similarly, when we are in the fitness community there’s a part of us that wants to see our name higher on the leaderboard.
- Studies prove that having a competitive nature can always lead us to work out more frequently and at higher levels so the person can rise in the ranks.
- If you see anyone above you, you are always ready to pump up some more reps just to catch up or beat them.
- Increased Energy and More Fun:
- You all know that energy is contagious whether Good or Bad.
- If someone comes to you with higher energy and a smile, it’s impossible to hold back your own smile and give out the same energy.
- And when that energy is magnified by the group of people it becomes deadly infectious.
- Working out with others in a supportive environment brings out your positive attitude and gives you the energy and motivation to crush your workout… Even on those days when you feel like you can’t.
- Being part of the Fitness Community can be a lot of fun too.
- It’s not always about hard work and workouts; there are a lot of jokes and laughter too.
- Even many members build relationships that extend out of the gym and they become lifelong friends.

Now some of you still may prefer to work out alone! But still wouldn’t you want to try it in a way more welcoming and fun way? In a way where there is a lot of motivation and your people waiting for you. Then starting from today let’s give it a shot! You can also follow our Instagram Account and see how Fitness Community impacts your life.

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